Organisation consulting – joint development

Only people can conceptualize, implement and experience change. This is why my approach to change consulting always focuses on the people in an organisation.
Real and effective change takes place in our minds. Only when a shift in mindset, patterns of communication and cooperation occurs is a basis created for the success of a new corporate orientation.
When I plan and implement change consulting, my tenets are:
  • to involve company staff actively, consistently and at an early stage in the change-making process
  • to be sensitive to the mental, emotional, intra and interpersonal, and systemic aspects of initiatives of change
  • to preserve strengths and values in a goal-oriented manner
  • to mobilise internal resources and exploit existing potentials
My consultancy means your development. As managing director, HR manager and team, you are the experts in your own processes.
We develop all the stages of a consulting process together – I support you throughout: from developing a strategy and defining goals to the actual implementation of changes. Whether it takes two months or two years. On all levels, in all "languages", flexibly and effectively, innovatively and assertively.
Consulting philosophy
Your concern
  • We have to change but don't know how
  • We need someone to hold up a mirror to us or give us feedback – otherwise, we'll get stuck in our ways
  • We know what we want content-wise, but we need modern workshop methods to involve our staff in the process
  • Our internal resources are unable to perform the extra work involved in the change project: we need support implementing changes
  • We give in too easily, we need to appoint a "driving force"
My change management services
  • Planning architectures of change on a large scale: project management, communications strategies, implementation support more ... deutsch
  • Defining goals and strategies of change
  • Designing change workshops
  • Creating and supporting change project teams
  • Preparing the psychological logics of change: overcoming resistance and fear and turning this into something positive
  • Introducing staff to ideas in large groups or small workshops
Organisational development
  • Developing management guidelines
  • Stimulating strategy processes
  • Developing teams: team-building and conflict management within a team
  • Improving the organisation's health (health management, coping with time pressure and stress in the organisation, work-life balance …)
Process facilitation & presentation
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Presenting conferences and workshops
  • Developing concepts and strategies
  • Developing products and ideas

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